Canadian Hydrogen Observatory: Insights to fuel…
Articles, research and insights.
Article - 5 minutes read
When FINRA asks to speak to your Supervisor…
FINRA requires all broker-dealers to have a supervisory framework in place that is “reasonably designed” to comply with applicable rules and regulations.
Article - 7 minutes read
OCC Guidance on Third Party Risk Management Practices
In June, the OCC updated their guidance on third party risk management to address the growing number of bank-fintech relationships.
Article - 9 minutes read
Over 2017, cryptocurrencies – such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, etc. – have undergone historical growth in market capitalisation and price (e.g. Bitcoin price has raised 13 times over 2017, according to ).
Article - 4 minutes read
Hong Kong Regulatory Overview and Update - Second half of 2014
Following on from the liberalization of cross-border movements of capital, Hong Kong continues to evolve its regulations with regards to the banking and securities commission: specifically to remain aligned to international standards.
Article - 5 minutes read
Economic Capital in the light of Basel II 2nd pillar requirements
Established by the Bank for International Settlement through the Basel committee on banking supervision, Basel II 2nd Pillar directives on Supervisory Review were designed primarily to make sure that banks estimate their equity needs as accurately as possible, taking into account their risk profile.
Article - 11 minutes read
The Biggest Cybersecurity Threats of 2017: The Need to Prepare
There has been a change in how companies across the globe do business.